Track workout today, 4.5 miles ladder, drafted in Group 1 but hung in there!
The plan was to do 1600, 1200, 800, 400, 800, 1200, 1600m repeats in that order. Having had a buffett for lunch at Shiva's Indian restaurant in Mountain View, and the customary coffee at around 4.30pm, I was a little bit too full I think. The left shin was still nagging a bit but seemed manageable. After a bit of warm-up and stretch, it was time to follow Anthony who was organizing Group 2's repeats. Just seeing Anthony does something to my mind. I think it starts to gear up and get prepared for some good tough workout. Tony with his Group 1 stars happened to be close to him at the start point. Suddenly, Tony announced that there are only 4 people today in Group 1 and that he would like one more person from Group 2. Someone shouted my name. I tried to slip away from the scene, and murmured to Anthony that "I struggle in Group 1" but Tony literally pulled my shirt from the back and declared unconvincingly that "you'll be fine". I surrendered meekly.
The first repeat was 1600m which to my surprise got over in 6:54. I was panting a bit more than usual because I think I was a little bit uncomfortable with too full a stomach. Shin pain was there but not bad at all.
The second repeat was 1200m (3 laps) which was a little bit tougher and I noticed at the end of the second lap that I needed to empty my bladder. In fact, the third lap was difficult because of that. As soon as we finished (I don't remember the time, but it wasn't bad), I ran to the restroom which for god sake was closed!! I saw Tony waving at me to come and start the next repeat of 800m. I had no choice and followed the folks. But again, I just could not run after the first lap, excused myself and found a lonely corner spot right behind the steps! By the time I was done, Group 1 was just about done with the second of the two laps of the 800m repeat. This observation enables me to time the duration of my leak to a fairly high degree of precision. Whatever...
Anyhow, I guess it gave me some extra rest but the next repeat was 400m with instructions from Tony to push in it. So, we all did. And I am glad to have a good time of 88s to show for it!! Probably an all time recorded best for me for a single 400m repeat. I don't think the extra rest because of the leak break helped, because I do remember feeling a certain lack of continuity because of that...
Thanks to Anthony who was managing Group 2 but egged me on to hang in there with Group 1 folks.
Now, the tough part of the workout had started, i.e., going back up the pyramid of increasing repeat distances. I did the next one, an 800m repeat, in 3:35. Still feeling good. Tony said that the next 1200m repeat is the hardest of them all and that the miler after that would be easy. Also, that we should push a little bit here. And so the Group 1 stars did. I don't think I pushed, but by this time the body was in a rhythm of its own so that I could do it pretty good time (5:26 I think, making it a 7:16 pace).
For the last 1600m repeat, Tony said that we should push in the first lap and then we can take easy (but not lose focus). I think I did the first lap in 98s (pretty good for me) but slowed down considerably in the second lap. I remember thinking at this time that I can rest later after this so I should really try to give it my best now; and that otherwise I will regret later that I could have pushed harder. So, I pushed a little bit harder in the third lap and had soon found a faster rhythm to really speed up in the last lap. I think I must have done the last lap in less than 95s. The total time for the mile was about 7:12. The burst in the last 200m felt pretty good!
After the workout was over, it felt tough but not particularly killing. Our bodies and minds are definitely maturing....
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