Tuesday, September 20, 2005

3x1 mile repeats on tracks, moderately difficult

With the unexpected thunder and rains in the afternoon and early evening, the fate of our track workout seemed to me to be in the air. However, as I got out of work (a bit late, it was almost 6.00), I was yearning to hit the tracks. The air was fresh and earth was smelling great. These were ideal conditions for running. It was a bummer that 237 was so congested and 101 was pretty slow too. I reached home at 6.30 (which was when we were supposed to be on the tracks), changed and finally reached the Stanford tracks at 6.45. Luckily, the repeats had not started yet. Only Coach Tony was to be seen among all the Maui runners, and Anthony and the other usual suspects wo organize the repeats for different groups were absent.

We started the repeats soon enough but there was a new helpful face organizing Group 2's repeats. Clearly, he did not feel comfortable enough to assert himself or push us to any extent, and we were left with a relatively doable workout (in contrast to Anthony, who makes it a must to push you to your potential). I did the 3 mile repeats in 7:11, 7:10, and 6:58. It felt tough but not too much so.

The track workouts are tough but form a thoroughly enjoyable part of the training program. I feel like I will miss them dearly after the marathon is over.


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