Wanted to write about the experience today in more detail, but leaving for india in an hour... Have fun everyone... See you in Nov.
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer http://www.cingular.com
"It is not what you think it is.
Neither is it otherwise!"
- Zen Saying
Wanted to write about the experience today in more detail, but leaving for india in an hour... Have fun everyone... See you in Nov.
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer http://www.cingular.com
Hi! learning how to blog from treo.
Big day tomorrow. go asha go!!! good luck to one and all :-)
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer http://www.cingular.com
In hotel now. Picked up the race packet (bib# 12823) yesterday at the expo. Energy is unbelievable at the expo and the hotel (where almost all the Asha runners are staying).
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer http://www.cingular.com
The 4x400 seemed easy today. However, not that much either, in fact I was actually wondering at one point as to how the heck did I ever do as much as 5x1 mile at some point in the training program...
In preparation for blogging on the go in Chicago, I am trying Google's blog-on-the-go service. This is the first post using my Treo!
Thanks a ton to Anu, Rajeev Char, Tony and Deepak (Rajeev Patel, where are you?) for the great send-off party to all the Chicago/SF/SV marathon runners. The turnout was impressive. Too bad Grishu and I had to leave early for a lunch. But we had fun for the two hours or so we were there, and seeing some of the pictures later, it seemed like we missed a lot more afterwards. Some of the posters were simply hilarious. Don't miss the following in Hindi! [To see the script, go to View -> Character Encoding -> Unicode (UTF-8) in your browser.]
Just realized that September is over and the marathon month is here!!
As Narendra put it, this was the first Saturday in several months that we were running fewer miles on the trail than we drove to get to the trail :-) Yes, the Chicago runners (and we are in a big majority) were all doing 6 miles today and Srini ensured that we take it easy. So, we used up the first mile as a warm up mile, stretched at leisure for 10 minutes after this mile, and then continued in a relaxed manner. We picked up the pace a bit after 3 miles and finished the last 5 miles in under 49 minutes (but the mile markers were a bit off we felt). We did walk for about 30 seconds after each mile... Even though the walk break was almost insignificant, the mind gets comforted about the upcoming "rest". Strange, but breaking up a huge task into small pieces and taking them one at a time does wonders to self-confidence...
This happened to be a crazy day at home and work, and I almost did not run. Given that Monday was an off-day from running for me and I did not want to run on Friday (rest before Saturday, the day of the long run, has worked out well for me), I had to run on Thursday. So, I ended up on the treadmill in the gym at work at 8pm (yes, later than what I would have liked, but it was a tough day). I was supposed to do 5 miles easy according to the schedule, so I started out slow and warmed up for 1 mile. Then continued after a break of about 10 minutes for a light stretch. Somehow, I was feeling good that I decided to be a bit more aggressive in the middle of the run. I ended up doing the last 4 miles in less than 40 minutes, definitely not to be categorized as an easy run, but it felt pretty good...
Manish and I had a really easy run together starting from Dana St. on the Stevens Creek Trail and back for about 5.5 miles in about an hour. We were both pretty slow and had our share of complaints about what parts of the leg were hurting. For me, it as again the shin of the left leg...
So, it is the last two weeks and the tapering down of weekly mileage is now official. I had to skip Monday because of another whirwhind trip to the Boston area (for work).