Saturday, October 01, 2005

5 miles on treadmill, Thursday, Sep 29

This happened to be a crazy day at home and work, and I almost did not run. Given that Monday was an off-day from running for me and I did not want to run on Friday (rest before Saturday, the day of the long run, has worked out well for me), I had to run on Thursday. So, I ended up on the treadmill in the gym at work at 8pm (yes, later than what I would have liked, but it was a tough day). I was supposed to do 5 miles easy according to the schedule, so I started out slow and warmed up for 1 mile. Then continued after a break of about 10 minutes for a light stretch. Somehow, I was feeling good that I decided to be a bit more aggressive in the middle of the run. I ended up doing the last 4 miles in less than 40 minutes, definitely not to be categorized as an easy run, but it felt pretty good...


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