Wednesday, Aug 24, 3 miles, 25 minutes, Westford, MA
So, here I was in Westford, MA, meeting up with some customers. I was struck by how different this other "silicon valley" seemed to be from "our" silicon valley. The one on the East Coast is so green! Driving through Route 495, it seemed like as if I was going to a National Park.
Anyhow, I had already missed my beloved (!) Tuesday tracks. It was Wednesday morning and I had had only 4 hours of sleep (blame it on the three hour time difference). Three two-hour meetings later, I was ready to fall asleep at around 5pm. However, thanks to Tessa (co-worker who was also on this trip and who plays on the Berkeley Rugby team) was enthusiastic about going running, and I strung along. Boy, that was a great decision in hindsight. We ran four laps around this pond called the "Grassy Pond" (and also went outside on the road). Running conditions were ideal, the woods were awesome and the temperature was around 60F. She ran fast in the first lap and I had to follow suit :-) I think we were doing 8 or 8:30 min/mile pace. This probably made up for some of the missed tracks. The best part is that I was energized after the run that I was able to enjoy the really nice dinner with all my co-workers who were on this trip before hitting the bed that night.
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