15x400m intervals: Easy!
Tony was incharge of Group 2 today. The drill of the day was to be 14 (or 16 if we felt good) 400m repeats with 60s recovery period in between the repeats. Tony, as is his wont, added variety to the lap repeats by making every 4th repeat faster than the others. So, while we were supposed to do 1:50 laps, the 4th repeat was to be done in 1:40, the 8th repeat was to be 1:35 and the 12th repeat was to be 1:30. My timings (to the best of my recollection) were: 1:50, 1:49, 1:50, 1:44, 1:50, 1:48, 1:48, 1:38, 1:48, 1:47, 1:46, 1:27, 1:47, 1:47, (1:10 + 0:31)
Well, I found today's lap repeats to be much easier than previous week's 5x1 mile repeats. It felt like I put in about 75% of my full effort, and could have done either 2-3 more repeats or could have done each repeat about 5 seconds faster (still too slow for Group 1 though which was doing 1:30 - 1:35 normally and 1:10-1:20 in their faster laps!).
Another interesting variation Tony made us do was that in the last lap we were supposed to jog for the first 200m and then go flat out and do a sprint in the next 200m! I think I did the second half of 200m in 31-32 seconds. Sprinting was nice as (come to think of it) we have now put some 200+ miles in the training program since April without ever doing a sprint!
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